Why We Truly Need to Make a Connection Between Sport and Spirituality

Why We Truly Need to Make a Connection Between Sport and Spirituality

A lot of research have been done on the physical and psychological benefits of sport but it seems that we don’t often focus on the spiritual benefits…

A lot of research have been done on the physical and psychological benefits of sport but it seems that we don’t often focus on the spiritual benefits.

There is a huge connection between sport and spirituality, when you think about athletes who one day decide to totally devote themselves into one discipline, making enormous sacrifices for a minuscule chance of victory.

Their motivations have more to do with the meaning of participation and personal growth…


Dr. Mark Nesti, sports psychologist, said that when we’re playing, we’re in love with what we’re doing, and this means that sports are more important to individuals than merely learning the skills associated with it.

Playing involves you in what you do and while you are doing sports you are yourself playing, involving yourself into a situation in which you exist, and that is the essence of life.


Swami Vivekananda went to the extent of saying…

“In kicking a ball or playing a game, you are much closer to the Divine than you will ever be in prayer.”

You can pray without involvement, but you cannot play sports without involvement, and involvement is the essence of life.


The sacredness of a sporting event is that individuals rise beyond their limitations, achieving a state of abandon that is usually known only at the peak of spirituality.

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